Cat Zeng

6.004 Computer Architecture

If you have any conceptual questions, are worried about your grade, or noticed a recitation attendance error, please email me at

Recitations (2021)

  • L1 - Introduction and Binary Representation: Notes
  • L2 - Introduction to Assembly and RISC-V: Notes
  • L3 - Compiling Code and Implementing Procedures: Notes, Callee vs. Caller registers?
  • L4 - Procedures, Stacks, and MMIO: Notes
  • L5 - The Digital Abstraction: Notes
  • L6 - Boolean Algebra and Logic Synthesis: Notes
  • L07 - CMOS Technology: Notes
  • L08 - Combinational Logic and Introduction to Minispec: Notes
  • L09 - Complex Combinational Logic
  • L10 - Sequential Circuits
  • L11 - Implementing Sequential Circuits in Minispec
  • L12- Arithmetic Pipelines
  • L13 - Design Tradeoffs: Notes
  • L14 - RISC-V Processor
  • L15 - Memory Hierarchy
  • L16 - Caches
  • L17 - OS
  • L18 - Virtual Memory
  • L19 - Pipelined Processors
  • L20 - Pipelined Processors 2

Recitations (2020)


Grade Calculations

Grade cutoffs:

  • A Points ≥ 165
  • B Points ≥ 145
  • C Points ≥ 125
  • F Points < 125 or not all labs complete


  • seven laboratory exercises (80 points)
  • lecture questions and recitation participation (10 points)
  • three quizzes (90 points)
  • an open-ended optional design project (20 points)

Assuming perfect labs and participation points, for an A, need 74.5 points:

  • [80 + 10] + ** + ** = 164.5

If you get a 20 on the design lab, you need:

  • 74.5 - 20 = 54.5 points from quizzes.
  • This is a 54.5 / 90 = 60.5 average score.

If you get a 13 on the design lab, you need:

  • 74.5 - 13 = 61.5 points from quizzes.
  • That is 61.5 / 90 = 68.33 average score.

If you get a 0 on the design lab, you need:

  • 74.5 points from quizzes.
  • That is a 82.78 average score.