My name is Cat, short for Catherine. I enjoy figuring out how things work and also learning about weird things. My biggest fear is to live a boring life. I care about my friends & family. In general I like making people smile.
My dream is to build amazing technology that behaves like "magic"... because under the hood, it's built with love, hard work, and attention to detail. I see myself as a curious toymaker.
This website is hosted on Zack and I wrote a custom template engine and an iOS app that lets you update your website from your phone.
Brief History:
- Rrialf Inc. I worked on with Zack:
- NikNak (legacy): in-browser 3D game engine that we built from scratch
- Rate-A-NikNak: made a rating game, drew by hand & designed over 19 pets
- Flairr: built a template engine and iOS app for making / hosting static websites
- BS in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science @ MIT
- Lambda Tea, funded by Y Combinator W18
- Piano Major @ Dreyfoos School of the Arts
Pet Interests:
software, piano, art, super smash melee, value investing, teaching, physics
Contact me at