Cat Zeng


Here are some classes that I've taken at MIT. I graduated in 3.5 years.

Math / Physics

  • 18.02 Multivariable Calculus
  • 18.03 Differential Equations (+): Lectures 1-14, Lectures 15-29, Lectures 30-end, Final Review*
  • 18.354 Nonlinear Dynamics: Continuum Systems (+): Proposal, Project
  • 18.062 Mathematics for Computer Science (Discrete Math)
  • 8.01 Mechanics (+)
  • 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism (+)
  • 8.03 Waves and Vibrations (%): Pset1, Pset2, Pset3, Pset4
  • 8.04 Quantum Physics I
  • 8.05 Quantum Physics II
  • 8.06 Quantum Physics III (Dropped it after COVID)
  • 6.728 Applied Quantum & Statistical Physics (++): Notes

Electrical Engineering / Computer Science

  • 6.01 EECS by Robot Sensing
  • 6.036 Machine Learning
  • 6.037 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  • 6.004 Computer Architecture (+) <- I also TA-ed this class
  • 6.006 Algorithms
  • 6.009 Fundamentals of Programming
  • 6.S081 Human Computational Intelligence
  • 9.53 Emergent Computations Within Distributed Neural Circuits (+)
  • 6.805 Foundations of Info Policy
  • 6.012 Nanoelectronics and Computing Systems (+)
  • 6.UAR Seminar in Undergraduate Advanced Research

Music / Other

  • 21M.445 Chamber Music Society
  • 21M.011 Intro to Western Music
  • 21M.355 Musical Improvisation (++)
  • 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science
  • 7.012 Biology: Midterm 1 review
  • 15.401 Managerial Finance (+)
  • 21W.747 Rhetoric

*This doc has pretty colors!

(++) Actually life-changing! Or extremely useful.

(+) Useful content

(%) Self studied