Scouts & Troops
A ramble I wrote in a messenger conversation with a friend:
for good military strategy you wanna send a scout first before sending the rest of the troops. sending a buncha troops into a bad situation is not great. at the very minimal this is just bad leadership
so pre-pmf you wanna scout / be nimble / flexible. once you find it (scout out it's a good situation), then send the rest of the troops. ow good troops will never follow
I feel like it's not that complicated, but these same concepts dressed in confusing clothes (say, clout or vc money, or whatever else) clouds ppl's thinking and causes them to act unstrategically
i think the best strategy is scout in a nimble way, then when the opportunity is clear, act aggressively and decisively. imagine scouting WITH a pack of troops. It just slows you down for no reason
nother thing is, once the situation is scouted to be good, good troops will join because everyone wants to WIN and PWN. no one good will join until then, so it's also a waste of time
good leadership is doing the scout work well (so you have a reputation of high trust from high probability of success), so that you become a signal for opportunity. And also, being good at communicating why there is opportunity once the scout work is complete